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Wow Wow Wow how’s the bloom’n weather like 10 to 26 each day just bloody beautiful.

Last years event lots sat around fires all night because they were so cold and couldn’t settle in their tents, or so they tell us as we were cosied up in our luxury “Stumpy’s Shack” Cabin !

2015 was the first event at Tingha, of course covid put paid to a couple of years so as far as head counts go I’d say this was number seven. In fact we’re the only people in the motorcycle industry to attend every event at Tingha with our Adventure Bike Australia trade display.

We were a little taken back as we crested the rise with views to Green Valley Farm of how many people were already well set up and settled on our arrival Friday afternoon.  We’ve never seen the likes of so many motorhomes with trailers or caravan based toy haulers either.

We’re hearing numbers were in excess of 350, a good turnout.  The other pleasing thing was so many more trade displays, as mentioned we’ve been to every event at Tingha, so it was great to have more of our fellow industry folk to hang with.

There’s plenty of comradery at these events, some ride solo most are in pairs or small groups.  Bikes and riders vary from hard core enduro based adventure riders to the back road adventure rider to the more laid back adventure tourer type.  There’s preset ride loops on offer, ride skills demonstrations by Ducati’s Nick Selleck and Saturday afternoons Gymkana always pulls a crowd with riders vying for some decent prizes.

This is a gem of a location and Green Valley Farm has been in the same family for many generations, in fact all the cabins are also named after older or past family members.

You will not find a harder working family, the place is always impeccable, they literally cannot do enough for you, we luv these folk, they are awesome.

There is no need to cook at these events ticket price covers your camping/cabins breakfast and dinner.  There’s also a café for lunch, coffee’s and snacks when needed. Friday nights affair is always a big outdoor gathering, a nice big burger and hot chips with a selection of drinks from soft drinks, beer or wine.  Breakfast is a choice of cerals and the customary adventure rider bacon and egg roll.

Saturday night we converge on the old converted wool sheds now nicely done up with plenty of eating tables, bar and outdoor area.

The meal is a fabulous selection of roast meats, potato bake, hot chips and a hugh array of side trimmings.  The food is both generous and delicious.

Undoubtedly this was one of the best turnouts in years and the best weather bar none.

We’d personally like to thank Kathy and all her family at Green Valley Farm, Mitch Newell from Australian Adventure Bike Magazine for his organizing and microphone duties, of course Steve Smith and his crew from ADV Moto and the other trade exhibitors for making the event what it is. 

We look forward to catching up with everyone again in 2025.