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Cyclops CRF300L Rally Auxiliary Light Kit


Honda CRF300L Rally Auxiliary Light Kit by Cyclops Adventure Sports USA.

Now available as a stand alone part #  As seen on Dork in the Roads CRF300Rally

A complete plug and play performance auxiliary light kit for the Honda 300 Rally. The kit plugs into the Accessories port and has provisions for other devices to also be used.  Positaps are used for high beam connections.


Choose from a Aurora Light set with an Amber DRL ring (daytime running light) with the main auxiliary light automatically coming on with the High beams.

Or a Standard Aurora light set that runs full time and operates at a reduced level in low beam operation, this low beam is adjustable from off to 100% in 10% increments. No switches added to your bike.


Yellow Filters are available by order.



Additional information


Aurora DRL, Amber DRLs on all the time, white Aux Lights on with High beam, Standard Auroras with DRL, high beam activated


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