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Motoz Heavy Duty Tubes


3mm thick heavy duty tube by Motoz designed for adventure riding, racing enduro and MX.

Quality tube and made of 100% genuine rubber.

Available sizes –

300/325 ( 80/90 ) x 21

400/500 ( 110/120/130/140 ) x 18

Do not get caught out ALWAYS change your existing useless tubes with a quality thicker unit and carry your originals as your spares.

NOTE – Forget the 1.5mm tubes, we stock h/duty or ultra tubes ONLY on our website, quality brands in 2.5mm, 3mm and 3.5mm.

NOTE – We know tubes and while some tube companies make overly bold claims of their tube thickness we’d consider Motoz pretty bang on with their claims. These are around 3mm and consider them a good tube, Motoz supplied our tubes for the DRZ434 Wide Ratio Adventure Bike, no punctures in years and hold pressures well. A recent price rise but a top quality tube none the less.

NOTE – some people carry a single 21″ tube as their only spare, this can be used in the rear if need just to get you out of trouble. Personally I carry two tubes front and rear, again if you use your originals you can pack them down well. I’ve not had a puncture in fifteen years and while luck sometimes has a little to do with it’s more due to good tube and tyre management along with running healthy tyre pressures.

TIP – do a couple tyre changes at home, as an ex enduro rider we can bang these out pretty quickly. Australian record to do front and rear is under five minutes and that’s with the wheels in the bike !! Technique and confidence will make it a whole lot easier when you have to do it out in the bush.


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