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X-Factor Handguard by Acerbis Italy.
X-Factor is the new ultra-resistant handguard made for people looking for more protection, not just for adventure riders but in extreme enduro and also for maxi-enduro users.
Featured with an ANTICORODAL bar with 35 mm. “C” section, that ensures a resistance 5 times higher than a classic aluminum handguard.
The bracelet has an increased thickness from 15 mm to 19 mm. featuring not only increased rigidity, but also increases torsional strength, this is guaranteed by the expander made entirely of steel.
The broader bi-injection cover protects almost all of the riders hands. Finally the pre-shaped slits allows increased ventilation.
General view –
These handguards come with mounts that will work on both standard and and oversize bars. The aluminum wrap-around bar is the biggest on the market with two large plastic shields that are also some of the largest available. The X-Factor hand guards offer great protection from the elements, especially during those colder months when you’re trying to stretch out your riding season.
Works with standard 7/8″ or tapered 1-1/8″ bars.
NOTE – DR customer reported you need to slide your lever mounts inwards slightly or mod levers. Best option as most do is buy the quality Warp 9 levers and carry your original set as your spares !
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